What is Mindfulness?

What is Mindfulness? Trauma can have a profound and long-lasting impact on the brain. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a physical assault, or an emotional injury, traumatic experiences can leave lasting scars on the mind and body. Fortunately, recent research has shown that mindfulness practices can help rewire the brain and heal these wounds. Mindfulness…

Tapping into the Flow State

Tapping into the Flow State Have you ever been so absorbed in a task that time seems to fly by and you feel completely in the zone? That’s the flow state! It’s a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in what you’re doing. When you’re in flow, you lose track of self-consciousness and…

Becoming Your Own Hero

Becoming Your Own Hero: Embracing the Mystic Journey to Heal and Transcend In the illuminating words of Joseph Campbell, “The standard path of the mystic and the standard path of the hero are the same. It is the path of the self-transcending ego.” This profound insight serves as a beacon for those navigating the intricate…

Who Was Carl Jung?

Who was Carl Jung? Unveiling the Mystic Depths of the Human Psyche Carl Jung stands as a towering figure in the annals of psychology, not merely for his role as the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, but for his profound insights into the human mind that continue to resonate and influence. His…